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Expert asked to research workload IWT

Towards a Sustainable Crewing System (TASCS)

The social partners (EBU, ESO and ETF) have started TASCS to investigate the workload of IWT personnel. This joint project has to identify and assess all relevant critical elements and/or influences that have impact on crew members on board of a vessel whilst at work/ rest. The project is  funded by the European Commission and will be carried out from spring 2017 until autumn 2018.
First of all a tender will be issued to look for an external Research Partner who will be in charge of the investigation under supervision of a steering group.
Specifications can be found hereafter and in the accompanying document.
Bids are awaited before 20 February 2017 at 23:59 – at midnight the tender will be closed.

ETF’s Political Secretary Mrs. Myriam Chaffart will manage the project on behalf of EBU, ESO (employers) and ETF (employees.

Tender for external Research Partner
ETF is looking for an external Research Partner (RP) in the context of the EU-funded project called “TASCS – Towards a Sustainable Crewing System”.
You can download the full tender specification under “this link“.
This project will identify and assess all relevant critical elements and/or influences that have impact on the crew members on board of a vessel whilst at work/ rest.

The external expert will be given the task to answer the research questions by participatory human factors field research in selected EU Member States, preparing and chairing reflective and exploratory workshops with all necessary stakeholders.  They will report on their findings and produce reports accessible for the targeted audience.  They will develop a draft instrument for defining manning settings and planning.

Steering group
The work of the external Research Partner will be monitored and supervised by a Steering Group (SG) composed of the European Social Partner Organisations EBU, ESO and ETF. The Research Partner will participate in all project events except the first Steering Group meeting during which the RP will be selected. (4 SG’s, 2 Focal Group meetings, 1 Mid-Term Event, 2 workshops, Final Conference) and it goes without saying that he will closely collaborate with the project secretariat & project manager.

The bids must cover all the elements stated above and in particular prove suitability of the tenderer and his expertise.

The bids, including CV of team members from the tendering partner, must be sent by e-mail to:
ETF Political Secretary for Inland Waterways and Logistics
European Transport Workers‘ Federation (ETF)
Galerie Agora
Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105 (bte. 11)
B-1000 Brussels

Deadline for the bids: 20 February 2017 at 23:59 – at midnight the tender will be closed.