Europe’s transport sector is the backbone of the EU internal market and outreach to the world.
A strong sector is a prerequisite for building a competitive, net-zero and resilient Europe.
Open letter to Member States and Commission
Brussels, February 5th, 2025. Europe’s transport sector strongly urges the Member States and the Commission to preserve and strengthen a solid dedicated European transport funding instrument under the future EU budget. The European coordination of infrastructure across Europe is more than ever crucial. It is the only guarantee for safeguarding the smooth functioning of the EU internal market, promoting Europe’s competitiveness and cohesion, and bolstering its resilience and military preparedness.
45 European transport organisations have joined forces and are collectively urging national governments and the European Commission to maintain and strengthen a robust dedicated European transport funding instrument under the future EU budget.
Strategic importance
The transport sector is as such very concerned about the Commission’s plans to redirect a large majority of the European transport funding towards National Single Plans and asks the General Affairs and Finance Ministers of the Member States to give a strong signal towards the Commission in favour of preserving a solid dedicated European transport funding instrument.
In fact, a robust European transport network is of strategic importance in responding to Europe’s current challenges. With rising geopolitical tensions and ongoing climate change, it must be Europe’s top priority to strengthen and adapt our infrastructure, address bottlenecks and missing links, and optimise its connectivity and capacity.
Dedicated European transport funding instrument
The transport sector therefore urges the Member States and the Commission to choose for an approach that strengthens Europe, to preserve a strong and centrally coordinated dedicated European transport funding instrument that prioritises investments of high European added value, and to refrain from jeopardising the future and competitiveness of Europe’s transport network, which is fundamental to achieve Europe’s priorities.
The full text of the open letter to the EU Member States, with the full list of signatories, can be found here.